TIE 512 Students Using Technology for Inquiry Learning and Problem Solving

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TIE 512 Students Using Technology for Inquiry Learning and Problem Solving by Mind Map: TIE 512 Students Using Technology for Inquiry Learning and Problem Solving

1. Modeling

1.1. Forms

1.1.1. Oral or Written

1.1.2. Digital

1.1.3. Simulations

1.2. examples

1.2.1. Storytelling

1.2.2. Databases

1.2.3. Concept Webs

1.2.4. Maps

1.2.5. Models

2. The Heuristics

2.1. The 5 "Gets"

2.1.1. Get Data

2.1.2. Get Talking

2.1.3. Get them Graphical

2.1.4. Get them Digital

2.1.5. Get them Disaggregated

2.2. The 5 "W's"

2.2.1. Why

2.2.2. What

2.2.3. Where

2.2.4. When

2.2.5. Who

2.3. SMART Goals

2.3.1. Specific

2.3.2. Measurable

2.3.3. Attainable

2.3.4. Realistic

2.3.5. Timely

3. Theories and Schools

3.1. IDEAL Problem Solving Model

3.2. Jean Piaget's Stages and Problem-Solving

3.3. J.P. Guilford's Structure of Intellect Model

3.4. George Polya 's Heuristic

3.5. Bloom's Taxonomy

3.6. Gardner's Multiple Intelligences

3.7. Dewey's Pattern of Reflective Thinking

3.8. De Bono and the Teaching of Thinking

3.9. Guilford's Structure of Intellect Model

3.10. 21st Century Skills and Problem Solving

3.11. SCANS

3.12. Critical thinking

4. MindTools

4.1. Concept Maps

4.2. Decision/Prioritization Grids

4.3. Spreadsheets & Databases

5. Problem Based Learning

5.1. Inquiry Based

5.2. Utilizes Essential Questions