My Foundation of Education

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My Foundation of Education by Mind Map: My Foundation of Education

1. Sociological Perspectives Chapter 4

1.1. Define each of the theoretical perspectives concerning the relationship between school and society; functionalism: conflict theory, and internationalism. Functionlism view society as a kindof machine, where one part articulates with another to produce the dynamic energy required to make society work. Conflict theroy believe that schools

1.2. Five effects of schooling on individuals that have the greatest impact on students are: (1) knowledge and attitudes: When we consider the social background of a student, you can't help but think if this does not pay a vital role in a child's achievement. Students we attend school were academic is highly valued are most likely to be success. This applies to some, not all. The same can be said for a student who attends underfinanced, overcrowded school in the inner city" who has made up in his or her mind that he or she is going to succeed no matter the circumstances. (2) Employment: Students stay in school in hopes of graduating, going to college, and some day land that idea job. According to the chapter studies have shown that “the level of education was essentially unrelated to job performance.” Schools do not prepared students for life in the work place. We educate a student to land a job, but not how to be a great employee. (3) Inside the school: A school is only as strong as those who are running it. We must set up an environment to make learning enjoyable. In some cases, the larger the school the more “restrain initiative” the smaller the school, the greater chance of having a “lack of resources.” Parents like the child to be in a smaller classroom size, because they feel as if they can learn more. However, with that come the lack of exposure to some of the things that bigger schools, may have. On the other hand, the large schools can offer more in the way of experience, but sometimes class sizes get in the way of students really gaining what is be taught. (4) Teacher Behavior: Because of the many roles teachers must play, it is common to find teachers who have become “burned out” with their jobs. They love what they do, however, it becomes overwhelming to be everything students may need to be successfully. We must remember that teachers are humans to and must not be “a scapegoat for society’s problems” As parents, we must carry most of the weight of our children’s education. (5) Inadequate Schools: Inadequate schools does reproduce “inequalities”. When you have schools that don’t have the adequate funding, it is harder to give students what they need to be successfully. It is not impossible, however the more money who must work with, the more things you are able to do. The chapter explains how “students who attend suburban schools, and private schools get a better.” This unfortunate however this is the way our society is set up. The more money you have the better education you are afforded.

2. Philosophy of Education Chapter 5

2.1. Mindmeister Status Check #1 is when I will assess the accuracy of your responses for Chapter 2,3,4,5

2.2. Existentialism: 1. Generic Notions: existentialists believe that individuals are placed on this earth and must make sense of it on their own. People must create who they are going to be, by their own free choice. 2. Key Researches: Soren Kierkeguard, (1813-1855), Martin Burber (1878-1965), Karl Jaspen (1883-1969), Jean Paul Sarte (1905-1986), Maxine Greene 3. Goals of Education: Education should be focused on the needs of each student. Education should be taught on an individual level. Education should include learning of all aspect. 4. Role of Teachers: Teachers should understand the world that they lived in and the students they serve. Teachers should get to know their students on a personal level to help cultivate their learning experience. 5. Method of Instructions: Learning is personal, and each student learning styles are different. It is the teachers’ responsibility to discover what works for each student. The role of the teacher is “to help students understand the world through posing questions, generating activities, and working together. 6. Curriculum: Curriculum is heavily based toward humanities. Literature is meaningful because” it is able to evoke responses in readers that might move them to new levels of awareness.”

3. Schools as Organization Chapter 6

3.1. Majorr stakeholders in YOUR district by name: 1. Federal Alabama senators: Doug Jones 2. House of Representative: Mo Brooks 3. State Senator: Paul Sanford 4. House of Representative: Mo Brooks 5. State Superintendent: Dr. Ed Richardson, interim State Superintendent 6. Representative on State School Board: Mary Scott Hunter 7. Local Superintendent: Dr. Matt Akins 8. All members on local School Board: Elisa Ferrell- Board President, District 3, Walker McGinnis-District 4, Beth Wilder- District 2, Michelle Watkins-District 1, Pam Hill- District 5 Identify and describe the elements of change within 1. school processes and 2. school cultures. 1. Conflict, allows previously hidden issued to be revealed. This is therefore necessary for change to take place. 2. New behaviors, is necessary because for change to take place it requires a new relationship and behavior. 3. Team building, must be a part of the school to make it successful. Team work makes dream works. 4. Process and content are interrelated. It is important that there be trusting to be successful.

4. Equality of Opportunity Chapter 8

4.1. 1. Describe how class, race, and gender each impact educational outcomes. a. Class impact educational outcomes in which parents who fall I in the upper and middle-class range expect certain educational outcomes from their children. Where a student from a lower-class household may not have the same expectations for their children. b. Race impacts educational outcomes because test scores of minorities are significantly lower than those of whites. These lower performing students may find difficult to understand what is going on in class. Therefore, resulting in many minority students not attending college. c. Gender impacts educational outcomes are males tend to get better jobs than females, although females tend to do better in school than males. Gender inequality plays a vital role in the educational process. White males tend to fair better when applying and getting jobs even though females are rated as better students. 2. What were the two responses to the Coleman Study from 1982? (There are several but focus on 1982 responses.) a. Private schools tend to do better than public schools in terms of working with lower-income students b. Racial and socioeconomic composition of a school has a greater effect on students achievement than an individual’s race and class.

5. Educational Reform Chapter 10

5.1. 1. Describe two school-based reforms (school-based, school-business partnerships, privatization, school-to-work programs, teacher education or teacher quality) a. Privatization: Allow for-profit companies to take over school systems due to poor performs of the school system. The success of privatization is not clear, but it is a “multi-billion dollar” industry. This makes it a very lucrative market. b. Teach quality: Teacher who teach subjects that they are not qualified to teach a particular subject. Urban schools have a larger percentage of novice teachers in classrooms. This is one of the leading causes of high teacher turnovers. 2. Describe at least two societal, economic, community, or political reforms that impact education. a. Full service schools: Schools in Urban communities that serve as more than a place of education. It serves as mental health facility, job placement, drug and alcohol programs and other programs to help the community improve. b. School Finance Reforms: Putting more money into poorer school districts. These additional funds will be to provide additional programs to eliminate disadvantages within poorer schools.

6. Politics of Education, Chapter. 2

6.1. Purpose of schooling

6.2. Intellectual Purpose: teach basic cognitive skills, such as reading, writing, and mathematics. To transmit specific knowlege

6.3. Political Purpose: To inculcate allegiance to the existing political order (patriotism) to prepare citizens who will participate in this political order.

6.4. Social Purpose: To help solve social problems; to work as one of many institution, such as the family, to ensure social cohesion, and to socialize children into the carious roles, behaviors, and values of the society

6.5. Economic Purpose: Prepare students for their later occupational roles and to select, train, and allocate individuals into the division of labor.

6.6. Role of School: To conservative perspective sees the role of the school as providing the necessary educational training to ensure that the most talented and hard-working individuals receive the tolls necessary to maximize economic and social productivity. The liberal perspective is the school's role in providing the necessary education to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed in society.

6.7. Explanation of unequal performance: Conservatives argue that individuals or groups of students rise and fall on their own intelligence, hard work, and initiative, and that achievement is based on hard work and sacrifice. Liberal perspective argues that individual students or groups have significantly more advantages than other. Therefore programs are put in place to equalize the playing field that students from disadvantaged backgrounds have a better chance.

6.8. Definition of educational and problems: Systematic lowering of academic standards and reduction of educational quality. Conservatives often refer to this problem as the decline of standards. In their response to liberal and radical demands for cultural relativism schools lost their traditional role of teaching. Conservatives often refer to this problem as the decline of authority.The educational system has failed the poor, minorities, and women through classist, racist, sexiest, and homophobic policies

7. History of US Education Chapter 3

7.1. Reform movement that had the most influence on education to me would be the education of Women and African Americans. Education for women was viewed as harmful. Because of the many reforms that have taken place in the United States, such as the opening of the 'Troy Female Seminary". This Seminary was opened by Emma Hart Willard, in Troy New York. The school's curriculum was modeled on the curriculum of single-sex male academies. Troy Seminary sought to deliver an education to females that were similar to that of their male counterparts. African American was severely limited due to southerns thinking that an educated African American would bred both insubordination and revolution. The dismal picture of schooling for African Americans caused Benjamin Roberts to file a legal suit in Boston in 1846 in an effort to have his daughter attend a segregated school. This lead the way to the ruling that African Americans were encouraged to establish their own schools.

7.2. The Democratic-liberals believe that the history of U.S. education involves the progressive evolution of as school system committed to providing equality of opportunity for all. Conservative viewed schools as elite institutions for the meritorious. For Lawerence A. Cremin, educational history in the United States involved both the expansions of opportunity and purpose.

8. Curriculum and Pedagogy Chapter 7

8.1. 1. Explain a curriculum theory which you advocate (humanist, social efficiency, developmental, or social meliorist). a. Developmentalist curriculum is the curriculum theory I would advocate for. This curriculum focuses on the need of the individual student and not the needs of society. We must educate our students as individual to prepare them for group settings. 2. Identify and describe the two dominant traditions of teaching. a. Mimetic Tradition follows the very flexible and adaptable natural stages students move through when they come to understand and master ideas and skills. b. Transformative Tradition: create experiences in their classrooms, melding the art and science of any subject and making their students care about learning

9. Educational Inequality Chapter 9

9.1. 1. Explain at least two types of cultural differences theory: a. African American students do less well in school because they adapt to their oppressed position in the class and caste structure. Schools socialize their children to deal with their inferior life chances rather than encourage them to internalize those values and skills necessary for positions that will not be open to them. b. Working-class and nonwhite students as resisting the dominant culture of the schools. 2. Describe at least four school-centered (not student-centered) explanations for educational inequality. a. School Financing: There is a vast difference between in funding between affluent and poor districts and called for equalization in school financing. Because property values are significantly higher in more affluent communities, these communities can raise significantly more money for schools. b. Between-School Differences: Curriculum and Pedagogic Practices: Schools in working-class neighborhoods are far more likely to have authoritarian and teacher-directed pedagogic practices and have a vocationally or social efficiency curriculum at the secondary level.

10. Mindmeister Status Check #2 is when I will assess the accuracy of your responses for Chapter 6,7,8,9,10