M.ED. Child Development

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M.ED. Child Development by Mind Map: M.ED. Child Development

1. 2017-18 Summer Masters

1.1. EDUC-724 90-3 Social&Emotional Development:Theory

1.1.1. Child's personal and emotional well being and how it plays a part in their education. Important topics: Emotions and temperament, Attachment and family, self and social cognition, gender development and issues, aggression and peers, moral development and Epilogue. Signature Assignment: Children temperament and behaviors.

1.2. EDUC-652 90-3 Multicultural Education & Div

1.2.1. Cultures role in education and how we as teachers need to learn to work with it. Important topics: 20 things I can do to be a better Multicultural Educator, race relations and the nature of prejudice, American Indian and African American perspectives, Latino perspectives, immigration. Personal cultural identity project. Signature assignment: Personal cultural identity project and elder interview on my grandmother. I was able to get some family history that I was not familiar with. Google Docs - create and edit documents online, for free. *** This class allowed me to gain more knowledge about my culture, something I would like to have my students do. It also taught me how to become a better teacher when including culture.

2. 2017-18 Fall Masters

2.1. EDUC-712 90-3 Learning Styles Learning Theory.

2.1.1. Different theorist and their theories, and how we as educators can observe it and use it with our students. Important Topics: motivational control autonomy, motivation metacognition, motivating achievement not aggression, motivation develop and change. Signature assignment: Research paper on The Role of Parental Involvement that Teacher and Parents Play on the Achievement Motivation of Students.

2.2. EDUC-633 90-3 Diverse Learners

2.2.1. Learned how we as educators can use culturally teaching methods with our students and also include students with learning disabilities into our lessons. Important topics: Learned about teaching English Language Learners, Wahi Pana project on Waipiʻo valley explaining its importance to the Hawaiian Culture. Signature assignment: Differentiated learning plan addressing the learning needs of exceptional and diverse learners. Strategy to use and how to use it. Google Slides - create and edit presentations online, for free.

3. 2017-18 Winter Masters

3.1. EDUC-643 90-3 Hawaiian Culture and Language.

3.2. EDUC-794 90-3 Culminating Experience

3.3. *Currently in progress. Last term!!

3.4. Now that I look back at these courses some patterns i've observed would be the developmental process in children, their emotional and social behaviors, and culture throughout education. If I had to synthesize the coursework of child development I would say that it is all about knowing and understanding a child's development and how it will differ from social, emotional, language, and cultural perspectives.

4. 2016-17 Winter Masters

4.1. EDUC 600 Introduction to the MED

4.1.1. Learned the criteria needed to be met while going through the M.ED. program.

4.1.2. Zoom, ProQuest RefWorks, APA format exercises. Signature Assignment: Explanation of courses I will be taking to complete the M.Ed. Program by March 2018. Google Docs - create and edit documents online, for free.

4.2. EDUC 701 Educational Research and Design.

4.2.1. Educational research strategies, qualitative and quantitative research methods from Creswell book. Format of writing a literature review. Created my first literature review for my program. Signature Assignment: Literature review on Children's critical thinking.

4.3. EDUC 722 Cognitive Development: Theory to practice

4.3.1. Cognitive development when children are infant's to later years, and its affect on education. Important topics: Interviewing and how to present yourself, questions to ask, etc. Piagets theory, lab assignments relating to Piagetian concepts. Memory development, language development, and conceptual development. Signature assignment: Final lab report. Discussion on information gathered on cognitive development throughout the term. Google Docs - create and edit documents online, for free.

5. 2016-17 Spring Masters

5.1. EDUC-790 Peace, Justice & Ed Reform

5.1.1. Theories, research, and principles that relate to the school systems. Important topics: Influences that take place in the classroom because of social justice. Focused on critical thinking exercises and discussions. Signature assignment: Literature review on current reality and factors of our present day educational system. Google Docs - create and edit documents online, for free.

5.2. EDUC-723 90-3 Lang Development: Theory Practice

5.2.1. Languages besides English impact a child's learning and their development throughout the years. Important topics: Phonetics, phonological acquisition, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, language variation and contact, language culture. Signature assignment: Literature review on bilingual students. ***Now that I am familiar with these topics I am able to observe these things in my students and try my best to help them become proficient in the English language. Worksheets, activities, etc.