It is best to go shopping with your family

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It is best to go shopping with your family par Mind Map: It is best to go shopping with your family

1. Introducction

1.1. Shopping in family has many advantages and disadvantages, there are people who say that going with the family is very boring and others say it is better.

2. Arguments against

2.1. · The first disadvantage is that if you take a piece of clothing they tell bad things.

2.2. · And there are times when they tell you it is very expensive.

2.3. · You also can not spend the time you want when you shop

3. Conclusion

3.1. I think it's okay to go shopping with your family as they can advise you on many things.

4. Arguments for

4.1. · When you shop you will have different opinions and points of view

4.2. · You do not have the insecurity of going alone

4.3. · They can advise you if they have used this material and inform you if it is ok or not