Corporate Social Responsibility and Good Governance

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Corporate Social Responsibility and Good Governance by Mind Map: Corporate Social Responsibility and Good Governance

1. people

1.1. human resource

1.2. society

1.3. consumers

1.4. community

2. development

2.1. sustainability

2.2. compliance

3. responsibility

3.1. awaeness

3.2. self-regulation

3.3. economic

3.4. legal

3.5. philantrpic

4. planet

4.1. environment friendky

4.2. reuse

4.2.1. reduce recycle

4.3. change

4.4. ecological

4.5. less waste

4.6. less pollution

5. business

5.1. profit

5.2. corporations

5.3. ethics

5.4. organization

5.5. reputation

5.6. public relations