Why Integrate Technology?

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Why Integrate Technology? by Mind Map: Why Integrate Technology?

1. Different Needs of Learners

1.1. Multiple intelligences

1.2. Culture,Ethnicity, and Language

1.3. Autism


1.5. Intellectual and learning disabilities

1.6. Learning style

1.7. Physical disabilities

2. Content Area Standards that Include Technology

2.1. Functions

2.2. Probability

2.3. Modeling

2.4. Statistics

3. 21st Century Skills

3.1. Creativity

3.2. Communication and collaboration

3.3. Research and information

3.4. Critical Thinking

3.5. Nonlinear Thinking

3.6. Visual literacy and visual Thinking

3.7. Spatial Thinking

3.8. Digital Age Reflection

4. Global World