Training Request for IT Software Upgrade

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Training Request for IT Software Upgrade by Mind Map: Training Request for IT Software Upgrade

1. Step 1: Analysis = Identify the need and the learning requirements for the upgrade.

1.1. Establish a clear Instructional Goal

1.1.1. Meet with the client and ask questions to help establish what users should be doing. Compose a clearly defined goal for the learner.

1.2. Develop an Instructional Analysis

1.2.1. Compose all of the steps needed for the learner to meet the instructional goal.

1.3. Learner Analysis

1.3.1. Establish what users already know regarding the subject matter. Having this information will ensure you do not include skills, attitudes and knowledge the user already has.

1.4. Learning Objectives

1.4.1. Objectives are the skills, attitudes or knowledge the learner should have by the end of the course. Objectives should be clear descriptive verbs.

2. Step 2: Design = Define the learning objective and instructional strategy.

2.1. Design Assessment

2.1.1. Decide how you will test learners attitudes, skills and knowledge before you create the course materials.

2.2. Choose a Course Format

2.2.1. Decide which medium you will use to present the content of the course.

2.3. Develop an Instructional Strategy

2.3.1. This is a collection of materials that will help the learner reach the instructional goal.

3. Step 3: Development = Develop and validate the course content.

3.1. Create a sample course

3.1.1. Share with management a portion of the course along with maps, sample paragraphs or written instructions from the content. Include the Instructional Strategy from the design phase. Incorporate any feedback.

3.2. Develop course materials

3.2.1. Develop the course materials. When complete, hold a review session with the client. Be sure to incorporate any feedback when making revisions.

3.3. Conduct a run through

3.3.1. Have a real-time rehearsal of the course. Treat participants as the actual students. Time the run-through. Have a feedback assessment at the end.

4. Step 4: Implementation = Prepare and implement the elements of the course.

4.1. Provide training for the isntructor

4.1.1. The instructor will need the proper amount of time necessary to learn the material. He will need to know: the objectives, activities, media and assessments.

4.2. Prepare learners for the course

4.2.1. It is important to make sure the learners have the tools and knowledge to be successful in the course. They will need: to complete prerequisites, orientation, any LMS software.

4.3. Prepare the course space and all details for the learners

4.3.1. The training facility will require preparation. It is important to be sure all technology is available, tested and ready. All handouts should be printed and ready to go. There should be a whiteboard and good markers available.

5. Step 5: Evaluation= Assess the effectiveness of the course.

5.1. Formative Evaluation = should be conducted as you move along throughout the ADDIE process.

5.1.1. One to One Get feedback from an individual with abilities close to the actual learners for this course.

5.1.2. Small Group Choose a group of individuals with varied skill levels to test how well they all perform.

5.1.3. Field Trial Conduct the course in a similar setting for the actual course to get feedback.

5.2. Summative Evaluation = This evaluation proves the worth of the course after it is completed.

5.2.1. Reaction Get immediate feedback.

5.2.2. Learning Post test to see if learning objectives were achieved.

5.2.3. Behavior Measure whether knowledge and skills were transferred. Are they being used in the learners actual work environment.

5.2.4. Results Did the course have an impact on company profits, moral, job satisfaction and productivity.