Ways in which the government can mitigate climate change

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Ways in which the government can mitigate climate change by Mind Map: Ways in which the government can mitigate climate change

1. Reduce emissions from transport

1.1. set emission standards

1.2. advertise use of electric cars

1.3. tax fuel prices

1.4. Road tolls and parking charges to discourage the use of cars

1.5. subsidising public transport

2. Decrease emissions from agricultural activity

2.1. Use less fertiliser will reduce nitrous oxide emissions

2.2. reduce livestock methane generation by: selective breeding or changing the feedstock

2.3. Use animal waste as a source of energy

3. Geo-engineering

3.1. subsidies to encourage the use of the new technologies

4. Steps To Stop Climate Change

5. Reduce energy use through improved efficiencies and conservation approaches

5.1. education campaigns on ways to reduce energy consumption

5.2. install recharging stations for electric cars

5.3. increase renewable energy sources

5.4. introduce legislation for emission control technologies

5.5. tax large polluting companies

6. Replace fossil fuels with renewable energies

6.1. Solar power (from sun)

6.2. Wind power (wind)

6.3. Hydropower (water)

6.4. Geothermal energy (heat from the interior earth)

7. Eat less meat and help reduce climate change!

8. What can we do abut climate change?