Hersh Shah

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Hersh Shah by Mind Map: Hersh Shah

1. Skills

1.1. Construction and hands-on projects

1.2. Clinical Diagnosis & Management

1.3. Resilient optimism

2. Hobbies

2.1. Snoowboarding

2.2. Scuba Diving

2.3. Hiking

2.4. Cooking

2.5. Health & Fitness

3. Education

3.1. Undergraduate: Bachelors in Biology/Chemistry: Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond)

3.2. Medical School: St Georges University (Grenada, WI/Heaven)

3.3. Residency: Internal Medicine (RWJ-Rutgers/Barnabas Health System, New Jersey)

3.3.1. internationally published in journal of critical care medicine

3.3.2. presentated at critical care conferences in Hawaii, Florida, Milan, and soon in Paris

3.3.3. received awards in: (1) excellence in critical care and (2) research & scholarship

4. Career Goals

4.1. Learning the vital principles of health care management

4.2. Start MPH at Bloomberg January 2020

4.3. advance into a career in hospital administration

5. Personal Goals

5.1. look and feel younger than I am

5.2. maintain a consistent exercise schedule and health diet

5.3. remain a lifelong learner