Mobile Payment and its application

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Mobile Payment and its application by Mind Map: Mobile Payment and its application

1. Devices

1.1. Smart Phone

1.2. Receiver

2. Safety

2.1. Fingerprint

2.2. Face ID

2.3. Password

3. Application

3.1. Place the smart phone on the receiver

4. Type

4.1. Apply Pay

4.2. Android Pay

4.3. Samsung Pay

5. What is Mobile Payment

5.1. Mobile Wallet

5.1.1. Direct carrier billing and closed loop payments

5.1.2. Use mobile phone as credit card terminal

6. Advantages

6.1. Easy to use

6.2. Fashionable

6.3. Convenient

6.3.1. Do not need to bring cash

6.4. Safe

6.4.1. Can't pay without password/ fingerprint

6.5. Private

6.5.1. Won't disclose the credit card number

6.6. Transaction can be stored