Social, ethical and envionmental implications and consequences of scientific discoveries and tech...

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Social, ethical and envionmental implications and consequences of scientific discoveries and technological developments por Mind Map: Social, ethical and envionmental implications and consequences of scientific discoveries and technological developments

1. Agricultural practices, pesticides, herbicides, organic production

1.1. factory farming

1.2. industrialised farming

1.3. The Soil Association

1.4. Economies of scale

2. biotechnology

2.1. improving health of livestock

2.2. antibiotics

2.3. vaccination

2.4. synthetic growth hormones

3. genetic modification

3.1. Insertion/deletion of genes in gains, fruit etc

3.2. nutritional quality

4. food supply and distibution

4.1. Role of supermarkets

4.2. seasonal foods

4.3. food miles

4.4. Fair Trade Foundation / developing world

5. prospective inventions

5.1. nanotechnology

5.2. AI

5.3. Japanese Science and Technology Agency

6. impact of infomation and communications technology

6.1. Internet

6.2. CGI/virtual reality

6.3. Broadcasting

6.4. gaming

6.5. Music / ipod

7. management of transport systems

7.1. public and private transport

7.2. air, rail, road integration

8. waste disposal and recycling

8.1. the waste heirarchy

8.2. biodegradability


9. weapons and peacekeeping

9.1. nuclear deterrence

9.2. chemical warfare

9.3. the morality of weapons research