Course Syllabus

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Course Syllabus by Mind Map: Course Syllabus

1. Activities

1.1. Knowledge Component

1.1.1. Quizzes

1.2. Engagement Component

1.3. Research Component

1.3.1. Research Project Proposal

1.4. Grading Plan

1.4.1. Final exam

1.4.2. Exercises

1.4.3. Attendance

2. Course Objectives

2.1. Course-level Learning Objective 1: You will enhance your understanding of American politics by engaging in a thoughtful exploration of key concepts

2.1.1. Learning Objective 1: You will develop factual knowledge of the the formal and informal features of American politics involving political institutions and political behavior. This knowledge will be assessed through content quizzes.

2.1.2. Learning Objective 2: You will develop your interpretive skills regarding the formal and informal features of American political institutions and political behavior. Learning This knowledge will be assessed through the comments you post on the various assignments.

2.1.3. Learning Objective 3: You will develop an understanding of how institutions and behavior interact. Institutions affect behavior; behavior affects institutions. This knowledge will be assessed through the comments you post on the various assignments listed, as well as through your research project.

2.2. Course-level Learning Objective 2: You will learn how political scientists think about and conduct research on political phenomena.

2.2.1. Learning Objective 4: You will learn the core theoretical concepts and analytical frameworks commonly used by political science scholars, including the concepts of collective action problems, coordination, rules, environment, strategies, and choices. You will be assessed on this knowledge through the content quizzes, your reflective posts, and your research projects.

2.2.2. Learning Objective 5: You will develop an understanding of how political scientists use theory, logic, and evidence to make statements about political institutions and political behavior that are supportable and generalizable. You will be assessed on this knowledge through the content quizzes, your reflective posts, and your research project.

3. Organization

3.1. Lectures

3.2. Exams

3.3. Exercises

4. Required texts and supplies

4.1. Ken Kollman, The American Political System, 3rd Edition. (New York: W.W. Norton 2017) [This is the version you need (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..] You can purchase a paperback or the Ebook.

4.2. John Sides, Daron Shaw, Matt Grossmann, Keena Lipsitz, Campaigns and Elections, 2nd Edition. (New York: W.W. Norton 2015) [This is the version you need (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..] You can purchase a paperback or the Ebook.

4.3. Ken Kollman, Readings in American Politics: Analysis and Perspectives, 4th Edition. (New York: W.W. Norton 2014) [This is the version you need (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..] Note: The release date for the 4th edition is June, 2017.

4.4. Robert Dahl, How Democratic is the American Constitution?, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003). [This is the version you need (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..]

4.5. Baglione, Lisa A., Writing a Research Paper in Political Science, 3rd Edition. (Los Angeles: Sage/CQ Press, 2016). [This is the version you need. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.]

4.6. You will also need to buy an iClicker.

5. Course Topics

5.1. Topic 1

5.2. Topic 2

5.3. Topic 3