3d Brainstorming Games: Goal 5 Ideas for Activities in 3d field

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3d Brainstorming Games: Goal 5 Ideas for Activities in 3d field por Mind Map: 3d Brainstorming Games: Goal 5 Ideas for Activities in 3d field

1. Other

1.1. learners don't have to understand every word -- just the intention

1.2. You are the apprentice so model is that you watch someone else do it a number of times and then you take over -- you've observed it, now it's your turn to do it

1.3. Learn by feedback -- not artificial -- want it to be organic experience

1.4. Inject some humor

1.5. social tension -- people getting upset, lines

1.6. not doing well? supervisor comes back to help you again, let's you observe some more

1.7. feedback from NPCs in verbal/non-verbal displays

2. Counting

3. Ordering Food

3.1. Cafe - great space for this

3.2. "Spaghetti please."

3.3. "Can you man the stand for me, I'll be right back?" - employee said

4. Finding your way around

4.1. "Meet me @ so-and-so place"

5. Helping lost girl find her mother

6. Getting money from an ATM

7. Learning "words"

7.1. match graphics/words, will learn them and will increase number in your library

7.2. health score for words - charged by you hearing them in a convesation

8. Lost-And-Found Area

9. Baggage Handler

9.1. colors - Can you hang me my bag? It's blue.

10. Examples of non-speaking characters

10.1. Half-Life

11. niceties

11.1. please/thank you

11.2. yes/no

12. Hello/Goodbye

12.1. time-based

12.2. gender specific

12.3. formality - friend/peer - adult

12.4. observe these interactions between two characters

12.5. maybe just simple -- not time/gender/specific

12.6. Kalani- Greeting passengers that are coming off the place -- "Good evening, welcome to so-and-so" - airline employee trainee, just the person that you are greeting people/repeating hostess

12.7. 2d GUI switch from day to night -- greetings change appropriately

12.8. physical gestures

13. Challenges

13.1. no text - how do you give feedback to environment?

13.2. player with either click something on screen or hit key on keyboard and then hear audio

13.3. use abstract symbols to convey ideas?

13.4. use graphics/pictures

13.5. blinking icon guidance -- low complexity interface to guide response

13.6. do we want to use pictures corresponding with images? So NPC says, "I'm looking for a suitcase" and a picture of a suitcase appears above his head in 3d space (like a thought bubble).

13.7. interface

13.7.1. fixed-camera @ times can do fixed icons on screen -- maybe when you take over for certain tasks

13.7.2. tool bar @ bottom of screen

13.7.3. interact option adaptive "halo"

13.7.4. can all interactions be behaviors player performs based on what they hear?

13.7.5. mouse over response(?) and hear audio

14. Questions

14.1. scope of 2 month project goals?

15. active verbs

16. how much