Cognitive Theorists in Educational Psychology

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Cognitive Theorists in Educational Psychology by Mind Map: Cognitive Theorists in Educational Psychology

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2. Piaget

2.1. 4 Stages of Cognitive Development

2.2. Limitations of Piagets Theory

2.3. Tendencies in Thinking

2.4. Helpful to Teachers

3. Vygotsky

3.1. Limitations of Vygotsky's Theory

3.2. Helpful to Teachers

3.3. Socio-Cultures Theory

4. Notice that you can add "ideas" with the + sign.

4.1. Then you can add images to your ideas. Use the Icons and Images area.

4.1.1. This note has a link for the topic edpsych.

4.1.2. EdPsych New node New node

5. thiurhewfr

5.1. vdfvkjfv