Low crop yield - low productivity

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Low crop yield - low productivity by Mind Map: Low crop yield - low productivity

1. Insecure Livelihood <- Food and nutrition insecurity

2. Low income of farmers

3. Low profit margins for output on market

4. lack of policy implementation

4.1. lack of political will

4.2. lack of ressources

4.3. Weak PFM

4.4. lack of alignment between planning and budget (FISP)

4.5. lack of good link with research

5. young farmers are less productive

5.1. no participation in decision-making processes

5.2. limited access to assets,, mainly land

6. female farmers are less productive

6.1. women have smaller plots of land

6.2. limited participation in household and community decision making

6.3. lower litteracy levels

6.4. control of assets in hand of men

6.5. limited participation in production and markting of cash crops

6.6. less access to farm labour and mechanisation

6.7. prime victims of gender-based violence

7. Maize trap

7.1. obligatory own production of maize

8. land degradation and deforestation

8.1. agricultural practices not adapted to intensive land use and weather extremes

8.1.1. low adoption of agricultural technologies smallholder farming on communal land resistance to innovation

8.1.2. low access to information

8.1.3. low technical labour skills

8.2. poor management of land, water and soils

8.3. undiversified crops

9. low and erratic rainfall

9.1. climate change

9.1.1. Establish checkpoints

9.1.2. Acquire team resources for stage

9.1.3. Conduct stage kick-off meeting

10. insufficient access to land

10.1. landfragmentation

10.1.1. land pressure growing population

10.2. SHF on commonland vs estateland

11. low resilience to weather shocks

12. Uncompetitive value chains

12.1. high costs for farmers to access markets

12.2. limited quality of and access to marketing service provision

12.2.1. inadequate production and storage technologies limited public and private investments in transport, storage and packaging

12.2.2. inadequate infrastructure for agriculture marketing

12.3. weak linkages to markets

12.3.1. low participation by traders in agr. markets

12.3.2. limited information on market prices low accessibility (roads, technology)

12.3.3. transport and infrastructure problems

13. Weak and insufficient SHF organisations

14. limited access to credit and financial services

14.1. high interest rates

14.1.1. pooreconomicpolicies

14.2. lack of trust in SHF

14.2.1. low participation by traders in agr. markets

14.2.2. limited information on market prices low accessibility (roads, technology)

14.3. microfinance sector not well developped

15. Low adoption of technogoly

15.1. low mechanisation levels

15.2. low levels of improved farm input

15.2.1. low access to farm inputs

15.2.2. sv

15.3. lack of investment in irrigation

16. weak extension service

16.1. weak distric tcapacity

16.2. poor coordination

16.3. lead farmers not active enough

16.4. underdevelopped pluralistic extension services

16.5. inadequate staff and training

16.6. weak link with research

17. Little dynamism on export market

17.1. low export base

18. no market incentives

18.1. low prices

18.1.1. difficult export procedures

18.1.2. prices set by domestic dominant actors

18.2. volatile prices of maize