What is the difference between Video Games and having bad behavior?

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What is the difference between Video Games and having bad behavior? by Mind Map: What is the difference between Video Games and having bad behavior?

1. Violent Video Games Promote Antisocial Behaviors

1.1. According to Jacob Sullum Call of Duty was a violent game that the 20 year old shooter was entertained by, the Post had told us (Sullum).

1.1.1. Jacob Sullum tells us that "he enjoyed...playing non-violent video games all day,' the report says, 'with his favorite at one point being ''Super Mario Brothers''" (Sullum). This shows proof that he was addicted to both violent, and non-violent video games.

1.1.2. Sullum tells us that "Another game that 'enthralled' Lanza in the months before the massacre: Dance Dance Revolution, which he played at a local movie theater for hours at a time every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday" (Sullum). This shows proof that he played video games for hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday

1.2. Because he murdered people because of the violent video games like Call of Duty.

1.3. Jack Flanagan say that just as negative or antisocial behaviors are linked to violent video games, good behaviors are linked to non-violent video games (Flanagan).

1.3.1. Jack Flanagan tells us that "In a study titled Remain Calm, Be Kind, a quote from US general Colin Powell, researchers [Jodi L.] Whitaker and [Brad J.] Bushman made the point that, of all media, video games are the most perfectly architected to change our state of mind" (Flanagan). This shows proof video games make you be antisocial

1.3.2. In a study named "Remain Calm, Be Kind" researchers found that "those who played high-stakes gaming like Resident Evil were more competitive than those that played less intense games like fishing" (Flanagan). This shows proof that people who played violent video games were more competitive and not really being social to those around them.

1.4. Because they get too addicted to the video games and become antisocial.

2. Video Game Culture Does Not Promote Antisocial Behaviors

2.1. Ronald Bailey tells us that playing violent video games is actually in relation to less crime and aggression in the real world, according to the August 2014 Psychology of Popular Media Culture (Bailey).

2.1.1. Ronald Bailey tells us that "'Annual trends in video game sales for the past 33 years were unrelated to violent crime both concurrently and up to 4 years later'" (Bailey). This shows proof that video game sales do not relate to crime.

2.1.2. Bailey tells us that "In addition, they found that 'unexpectedly, monthly sales of video games were related to concurrent decreases in aggravated assaults and were unrelated to homicides'" (Bailey). This shows proof that the sales of video games were related to decreases in aggravated assaults and were not related to homicides.

2.2. Because study shows that if there are more games, then there is less crime.

2.3. Andrew Leonard says that antisocial behaviors cannot be created by video game culture (Leonard).

2.3.1. Andrew Leonard is telling us that "the most recent statistics available from the Entertainment Software Association back Amaris up" because "as the relative percentage of console and PC gamers has declined, mobile and social gaming has shot up" (Leonard). This shows proof that people can still be social even when playing video games

2.3.2. Andrew Leonard tells us that "this metaphor, however, has been complicated by the fact that in 2012 Lego started selling actual physically embodied Minecraft sets" (Leonard). This shows proof a video games can be turned into a social game.

2.4. Because you can play video games a lot but you can still be social.