High-quality collaboration benefits teachers and students

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High-quality collaboration benefits teachers and students by Mind Map: High-quality collaboration benefits teachers and students

1. Questions

1.1. based on the descriptive study of the survey data

1.2. based on the analytic study of the interaction among teachers, schools, and collaboration

2. Methodology

2.1. teacher survey data

2.1.1. teacher collaboration

2.1.2. district

2.2. administrative data

2.3. use multiple models

3. Analysis

3.1. determine

3.2. types of collaboration

3.2.1. general

3.2.2. instructional strategies and curriculum

3.2.3. students

3.2.4. assessment

3.3. Quality of teacher collaboration

4. Limitations

4.1. study’s measure

4.2. helpfulness

5. Study description

5.1. examine teacher collaboration practices

5.2. teacher surveys

5.3. use district and school data

6. Results

6.1. factors

6.1.1. type of school Teachers in elementary schools, more so than in secondary school

6.1.2. experience

6.2. benefits of collaboration

6.2.1. raise students achievement

6.2.2. help teachers improve themselves


7.1. Using sophisticated statistical analyses

7.2. benefits of High-quality collaboration

7.2.1. individual

7.2.2. collective