The Time Traveller's wife: Claire Abshire
by Ioanna Pastarmatzi
1. Mother
1.1. Unfortunately, she had a lot miscarriages
1.2. She gave birth to Alba!
1.3. She may have the same gene disorder as her husband but she can control it (a bit)
2. Artist
2.1. She makes paper sculptures just like the author of the novel
2.2. She finds joy and more importantly, freedom in her work
2.3. She has a studio dedicated to her sculpting work
3. Σύζυγος
3.1. Met her husband at the age of 6
3.2. Said no the first time her husband proposed
3.3. She was left alone on their wedding day three times
3.4. She spent important occassions mostly alone
4. Daughter
4.1. A proper Catholic girl
4.2. Raised mainly by the housekeeper
4.3. Often wandering off in the meadow where she met her husband Henry