Greek myths and legends
by Tom Remnant
1. Ancient Greece
2. heros
3. death
4. badies
5. baddy and goodys
6. love
7. cyclops
8. aliens
9. up to twelve heads
10. happy endings
11. weapons
12. saviours
13. half human half animal
14. snake heads
15. gladiator
16. more than 3 heads
17. helpfull person
18. New node
19. princess
20. minitor
21. 3 headed dog
22. king
23. curses
24. magic
25. Realy old
26. Torcher
27. Horrible
28. gods
29. evil
30. minota
31. gods and goddesses
32. mission
33. The minitor is in the maze waiting for food
34. weapons
35. not real
36. s
37. Habbitat's of life
38. Battles
39. Sords & sheilds
40. Wealth and Poverty
41. the god of love
42. New node
43. They could be from BC or AC