Productivity software

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Productivity software by Mind Map: Productivity software

1. 1: Productivity software, created to help people be more efficient and effective while doing daily activity's.

2. 3: Boarder, "decorative line or pattern along one or more edges of paper or graphic"(Gunter 108).

3. 4: clip art, "which is collection of drawings, diagrams and photographic can be inserted into another document" (GUNTER 109). For example the dog icon on the left.

4. 5: margins, the portion of the page outside of the main body of text,

5. 6: Header, is text you want at the top of each page:

6. 7: footer, is text you want at the bottom of each page, Which can included page numbers and school names.

7. 14: presentation graphics software, "you can create documents called presentation"(Gunter 115),

8. 15: presentation: communication tool use to show ideas, messages, and other information to a group.

9. 17: personal information manger, "software application installed on smartphones that includes appointment calendar, address book and other features heal organize personal information" ( Gunter 120).

9.1. 18: appointment calendar, allows you to schedule activity's for particular day and time.

10. 19: address book, you can entre and maintain names, addressee, and telephone numbers of people you now.

11. 18: appointment calendar: allows to set time and day for a event and activities.

12. 23: Apple Work, formally App Works, contains word processing spreadsheet, and presentation software.

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14. 2: Word Processing software, is used to crate, format, and edit documents that are primarily made of text.

15. 8: spreadsheet software, which allows you to organize numeric data in rows and columns.

16. 9: formula, "performs calculation on the numeric data in the spreadsheet and displays result value in the cell containing formula"( GUNTER 112).

17. 10; chart, graphically illustrates the relationship of numeric values.

18. 17: personal information manger, software application installed on smartphones that includes appointment calendar, address book and other features heal organize personal information.

19. 12: database software: "allows you to create computerized database: add, change, deflate data"(Gunter 113):

20. 13: database file: is a collection of related data that is organized in records

21. 16: slide sorter: organizes slide in any order or display you want.

22. 20: Web app, "application allows users to access and interact with software from any computer or device that is connected to internet"(Gunter 120)-

23. 21: mobile app, is a program you can download and use primarily on your mobile device.

24. 22: software a collection of individual application software packages sold as a single package.

25. 24: clip art gallery, includes clip art images, pictures, videos and audio files. can be stored on a hard drive.

26. 25: Field: is the smallest unit of information you can access in database.

27. Work Cited Page: Gunter, Glenda. Gunter, Randolph. Teachers DISCOVER COMPUTERS integrating Technology in a Changing World: EIGHT EDITION, ( Boston Massachusetts: 2017) pages 109, 112,113,115, and 120.