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Bigdata by Mind Map: Bigdata

1. Distributed File Systems

1.1. Kosmix

1.1.1. CloudStore (KFS)

1.2. The Sector Alliance

1.2.1. Sector/Sphere

1.3. Hat, Ink.

1.3.1. GlusterFS

1.4. Apache

1.5. Google

2. Query & Data analysis

2.1. Gppgle

2.1.1. Mapreduce

2.2. Teradeta Aster

2.2.1. SQL MapReduce

2.3. Appache

2.3.1. Hive HiveQL

2.3.2. Pig Pig Latin

2.3.3. Hadoop

2.4. Cloudera

2.4.1. CDH

2.5. EMC

2.5.1. Greenplum Chorus

2.5.2. Greenplum HD

2.6. IBM

2.6.1. InfoSphere BigInsights

2.7. Amazon

2.7.1. Elastic MapReduce

2.8. Hortonworks

2.8.1. Data Platform

2.9. MapR Technologies

2.9.1. MapR

2.10. Microsoft

2.10.1. HDInsight AZURE

2.10.2. HDInsight Windows

3. Databases

3.1. Apache

3.1.1. Hbaase

3.1.2. Cassandra

3.1.3. Accumlo

3.1.4. HBase

3.2. Google

3.2.1. Bittable

3.2.2. Bigtable

3.3. EMC

3.3.1. Greenplum

3.4. 10Gen, Inc.

3.4.1. MongoDB

3.4.2. MongoDB

3.5. Couchbase

3.5.1. Couchbase

3.5.2. Couchbase

3.6. Amazon

3.6.1. SimpleDB

3.7. Hypertable, Inc.

3.7.1. Hypertable

3.8. Microsoft

3.8.1. MSSQL 2012

4. Steaming/CEP

4.1. IBM

4.1.1. InfoSphere Steams

4.2. Twitter

4.2.1. Storm

4.3. Apache

4.3.1. s4

4.4. Microsoft

4.4.1. SteamInsights

4.5. EsperTech

4.5.1. Esper

5. ADV

5.1. Tableau Software

5.1.1. Dasctop

5.1.2. Server

5.2. SAS

5.2.1. Enterprise Business Inteligence

5.3. Information Builders

5.3.1. WebFOCUS

5.3.2. WebFOCUS

5.4. Khronos Group

5.4.1. OpenGL

5.4.2. WebGL

5.4.3. OpenGL

5.4.4. WebGL

5.5. IBM

5.5.1. Cognos Business Inteligence

5.6. Tibco Software

5.6.1. Spotfire Analytics

5.7. Oracle

5.7.1. Business Inteligence Sute Enterprise Edition