School 2.0
by Jessica White

1. Benefits
1.1. Up to date
1.2. differentiation
1.3. variety of learning styles can be ultilized
1.4. technology
1.5. addresses 21st Century skills
2. Teachers
2.1. + Demonstration
2.2. + Visual
2.3. + Retention for student
2.4. Highly collaborative
2.4.1. very collaborative
2.5. user friendly
2.6. communication with families
3. No one can beat me here!
3.1. Edmundo
3.2. Angie is obsessed with her Latino boyfriend Edmundo.
3.2.1. Don't tell anyone!!!
4. Vision
4.1. New node
4.2. Connection w/21st century skills
4.3. connect to school's mission
4.4. creating a community
4.5. better ties into ICC requirements as it relates to 21st skills
5. Disadvantages
5.1. Funding
5.2. Training
5.3. broadens disparity between well funded schools and low economic areas.
5.4. time consuming
5.5. tech need of the school district
6. Students
6.1. Engages all students
6.1.1. ELLs
6.1.2. IEP
6.1.3. TAG
6.1.4. At- Risk
6.2. Prepares them for the real world
7. Administrators
7.1. communciate with stake holders
7.1.1. parents
7.1.2. students
7.1.3. community