Personal Learning Network

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Personal Learning Network by Mind Map: Personal Learning Network

1. What do I want to learn?

1.1. Organization

1.2. Teamwork

1.3. Communication

2. Resources

2.1. Google+

2.2. MindMeister

2.3. Facebook

2.4. Blogs

2.5. Twitter

2.6. SELF

3. Career Goals

3.1. Elementary Special Educaiton

3.1.1. Helping them understand why

3.2. Elementary Education

3.2.1. Increasing their knowledge

4. My Contribution

4.1. My Self

4.1.1. OCD Diagnosis (Organization

4.2. Insite

4.3. Second Opinion to others

4.4. Knowledge

5. Maintenance of PLN

5.1. Increasing outreach

5.2. Reading Articles

5.3. Communication

6. PLN in Action

6.1. Increase knowledge