Problems of Input (Resources)

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Problems of Input (Resources) by Mind Map: Problems of Input (Resources)

1. Arable land ↓ drastically

1.1. Climate Change

1.2. Soil degredation

1.3. Water Shortage

2. Rising population

3. Land

4. Minerals

4.1. Use has doubled/peaked in areas of the world

4.1.1. Recycling is critical to maintaining sources

5. Forests

5.1. Hectares ↓ drastically

5.1.1. lumber

5.1.2. source of water circulation

5.1.3. maintain biodiversity

5.1.4. major source of oxygen

5.1.5. fuel

6. Water

6.1. serious water shortages

6.2. not evenly distributed

6.2.1. areas of shortage have poor sanitation

6.3. large use in agriculture → source damage (salination)

7. What is the current state of civilization?

7.1. human well-being

7.1.1. Material Safety

7.1.2. Good Health

7.1.3. Safety & Security

7.1.4. Good Social Relations

8. Emissions

8.1. Sustainable rate of emission can be no greater than the rate at which the pollutant can be recycled, absorbed etc.

9. Soil

9.1. Natural Habitat= soil is regenerated & recycled

9.2. Agricultural habitat = degraded

9.2.1. Fertilizers→ volume &nutrient loss

9.2.2. Pesticides→ volume, nutrient & biodiversity loss

9.2.3. Irrigation→ volume, nutrient & biodiversity loss & salination

9.2.4. Industry is reliant on oil

10. Food

10.1. Global Food Crisis

10.1.1. Loss of top soil

10.1.2. ↑ water shortage

10.1.3. ↑ temperature

10.1.4. ↑ population

10.2. # of chronically undernourished ↑

10.3. Food security large concern

10.3.1. having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food

11. Energy

11.1. Global Oil Depletion (peak likely before 2030)

11.1.1. Oil use is vast: heating, transport, plastic etc.

11.2. Coal may take over

11.2.1. destroying forest and farmland through extraction

11.2.2. produces 25-55% more carbon dioxide

11.3. Nuclear Power Solution?

11.3.1. expensive to build

11.3.2. hazardous waste cannot be stored indefinately

11.4. Renewable resources?

11.4.1. no alternative has the energy density and portability as gas

12. Resources (Inputs)

12.1. sustainable rate of use can be no greater than the rate of regeneration/recycling

13. Collapse

13.1. Rate of resource use & Emissions exceed Regeneration and Recycling