Foundations of Education

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Foundations of Education by Mind Map: Foundations of Education

1. Two Types of cultural differences theory- 1) African American children do not perform as well in school because they are taught to adapt to their oppressed positions in society, there is a relationship between language differences and educational achievement, students are taught to deny their cultures and embrace and embrace a white middle class culture 2) Working class students reject the dominant middle class culture of schools, they embrace an anti middle class culture, view school culture as holding nothing for them in the future

1.1. School Centered Educational Inequality- 1) School Financing- differences in funding between poor and affluent districts 2) Effective School Research- monitoring of student learning, effective leadership 3)Between School Differences- different school climates: student centered or authoritarian 4) Gender & Schooling- schools may reinforce gender stereotypes through curriculum

2. Elements of Change for School Processes & Cultures: Conflict, new learned behaviors, team building, Interrelate process and content

3. Existentialism:

4. History of U.S. Education- Chapter 3

4.1. Progressive reform shift in the 1960s along with 1965 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Elementary and Secondary school Act emphasized equal education for all children

4.2. The Democratic Liberal school interprets the history of education in a positive light. The evolution of school system has been committed to provided equal education.

5. Sociological Perspectives- Chapter 4

5.1. Functionalism- society is viewed as a machine in which each part connects with the other to keep society functioning.

5.2. Conflict Theory- Based in Marxism, social order is based on domination, education is used to maintain power structures

5.3. 5 Effects of schooling: 1) Knowledge and attitudes- Education influences self esteem and social participation 2)Inside schools- school curriculum is a predictor of college attendance 3) Teacher Behavior- teachers influence self esteem and achievement 4) peer groups- student culture can impact student educational experience through college 5) Employment- education has been believed to lead to better pay/promotion

5.4. Interactionalism- analysis of school and society is based on direct observations and the focus is on student to student and student to teacher interactions.

6. Politics of Education- Chapter 2

6.1. Four Purposesof Education

6.2. Political-prepare studenst to participate in a democratic society, promote patriotism

6.3. Social- schools work as team with other social institutions in socializing children

6.4. Economic- prepare students to become a part of the workforce

6.5. Intellectual- teach basic skills such as writing, reading and math, help students to develop critical thinking skills

6.6. Role of the School: Radical perspective

6.7. schools support unequal economic conditions, train the students to accept it and schools cater to the interests of the wealthy and influential

6.7.1. Explanations of unequal performance: Liberal Perspective

6.7.2. Children begin school with different circumstances. Programs and policies should be put in place to assist these in leveling the playing field.

6.7.3. Definition of Educational Problems

6.7.4. Schools focus more on discipline than focusing on students’ personal development. Curriculum is not inclusive of the diverse cultures contained in society.

7. The Philosophy of Education- Chapter 5

7.1. Generic Notations- individuals are placed in this world alone and must create their own existence and constantly choose between good and bad

7.2. Goal of education- Education should focus on the needs of students and stress individuality

7.3. Methods of Instruction- learning should be personalized. Student and teacher should learn from each other and work together. Teachers should find what works best for each student.

7.4. Role of the teacher- teachers should be in touch with their own world so they can assist students in living their best life and assist them I learning to make their own choices

7.5. Curriculum- Humanities based- literature, arts and drama. Believe children should be exposed early on to both the positive and negative aspects of society.

8. Schools as Organizations- Chapter 6

8.1. District 5 State Representative- Mo Brooks Alabama senators- Doug Jones, Richard Shelby

8.1.1. Ella B.Bell- State Board district 5 rep Madison City superintendent- Robby Parker Madison City School Board: Renae Bartlett President Tim Holtcamp Vice President Members Connie cox spears Luis Javier Ferrer David Hergenroeder

9. Curriculum and Pedagogy- Chapter 7

9.1. Developmentalist Theory- focuses on the needs of the students instead of society. Developed from the writings of Dewey and Piaget. Relates school and curriculum to the student's life experience. There is flexibility in what and how curriculum is taught.

10. Equality of Oppotrunity- Chapter 8

10.1. Class- class is related to educational achievement, teachers think more highly of middle & upper class students which leads to labeling

10.1.1. Race- a person's race has a direct impact on how much education they are likely to achieve Gender- society has discriminated against women social and occupationally, gender differences have been reduced in the past 20 years

10.2. Coleman Study Responses 1982- Differences do exist between public schools and private Catholic schools but the results are negligible in terms of significant learning

11. Educational Inequality- Chapter 9

12. Educational Reform- Chapter 10

12.1. Two Types of Educational Reform- 1) School-Business Partnerships- a response to a concern for economy revitalization, support fell dramatically in the 1970s, little evidence that they improved schools 2) Privatization- for profit corporations took over failing schools and districts, success of this reform has been mixed

12.2. Community Schools- designed to target at risk neighborhoods, provide support not just for students but also their families State Takeovers- reduce nepotism, improve fiscal management, implement innovative programs

12.3. Mimetic- Education is for transferring specific knowledge to students- uses lecture or presentation

12.3.1. Transformative- the purpose of education is to change the student in a meaningful waqy such as intellectually or creatively