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Twitter users by Mind Map: Twitter users

1. Demographics

1.1. Age

1.2. Education

1.3. Region

1.4. Occupation

2. Use of frequency

2.1. Several times a day

2.2. One time per day

2.3. once a week

2.4. Once a month

2.5. Never

3. Platform used

3.1. computer

3.2. hand phone

4. Twitter

4.1. Micro-blogging services

5. Social media platform used

6. What Twitter functions do they often use?

6.1. Tweets

6.2. Follow


6.4. Others

7. Perceived value

7.1. Be informed

7.2. connect to friends

7.3. track trends

8. Why not use Twitter?

8.1. lack of two way communication

8.1.1. Threaded conversions

8.1.2. Photo tagging

8.2. not connect to real life friends

8.3. 140 characters limit

8.4. cannot embed photo/video

9. Why use Twitter?

9.1. discover news

9.2. keep contact with family & friends

9.3. Promote themselves or companies

9.4. Share information / news

9.5. Trackability

10. Awareness of Twitter

11. Familiarity of Twitter

12. Preference