Globalisation - Defined as the process by which people, their ideas and activities in different p...

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Globalisation - Defined as the process by which people, their ideas and activities in different parts of the world are interconnected by Mind Map: Globalisation - Defined as the process by which people, their ideas and activities in different parts of the world are interconnected

1. Economic Impact

1.1. Wages are less dependent on the success or failure of individual economies

1.2. Increase competition

1.3. Individuals have to keep upgrading themselves

1.4. freedom of exchange of goods and capital

2. Cultural Impact

2.1. Changing gender roles

2.2. Pop culture

2.3. Culinary

2.3.1. New node

2.4. break down cultural boundaries

3. Social Impact

3.1. Employment

3.2. Inequality

3.3. New node

4. Environmental Impact

4.1. Deforestation