My Thesis (17000 words)

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My Thesis (17000 words) por Mind Map: My Thesis (17000 words)

1. Chapter 5 (SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION) 2000 words

1.1. 2.1. Summary

1.2. 2.2. Conclusion

1.3. 2.3. Recommendations

1.4. 2.3.1. General Recommendation

1.5. 2.3.2. Recommendations for Future Research

2. Chapter 4 (RESULTS & DISCUSSION) 8000 words

2.1. Chapter 4 (RESULTS & DISCUSSION)

2.2. 3.1. Introduction

2.3. 3.2. Demography of the Respondents

2.4. 3.3. General Findings

2.5. 3.4. Discussion and analysis

2.6. Analysis

3. Chapter 3 (METHODOLOGY) 2000 words

3.1. 5.1. Research Design

3.2. 5.2. Location of Study

3.3. 5.3. Population

3.4. 5.4. Sampling

3.5. 5.4.1. Determining Sample Size

3.6. 5.4.2. Sampling Procedure

3.7. 5.5. Instrumentation

3.8. 5.5.1. Presetting the Questionnaire

3.9. 5.5.2. Validity

3.10. 5.5.3. Reliability

3.11. 5.6. Data Collection method

3.12. 5.7. Data Collection Procedure

3.13. 5.8. Data Analysis

3.14. 5.8.1. Descriptive statistics

3.15. 5.8.2. Inferential statistics

4. Chpter 1 (INTRODUCTION) 2500 words

4.1. 1.1. Background

4.2. Road map

4.3. 1.2. Problem Statement

4.4. 1.3. Hypotheses & Objectives

4.5. 1.4. Research Questions

4.6. 1.5. Significance of Study

4.7. 1.6. Limitation of Study

4.8. 1.7. Definition of Terms

4.9. 1.8. Limitation

4.10. 1.9. Conceptual Framework of Research

5. Chapter 2 (LITERATURE REVIEW) 2500 words

5.1. Power and Poltics of Aid

5.2. Participation and Partnership

5.3. Localization of Development