Chemistry in My Life-Day in the Life Presentation

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Chemistry in My Life-Day in the Life Presentation by Mind Map: Chemistry in My Life-Day in the Life Presentation

1. 1. Wake up, eat some toast that was once bread but it can't be changed back to bread, I get some fruit to go with that toast. Then I wait for the food to digest and I light the logs in the fire place. The logs burn and turn into something new called ash.

1.1. 2. Then I wait for the food to digest, the food that is digesting is turning into feces. As that is happening I light the logs in the fireplace. The logs burn and turn into something new called ash.

1.1.1. 2. After I light the fire I throw my fruit into the compost to let it decompose, it then becomes a fertilizer.

2. 3. I go to my room to get ready. I start by lighting a candle in my room. The wax reacts with oxygen in the air to create carbon dioxide. (Something new was created)

2.1. 4. After doing that I get hungry again and go fry an egg. While I am frying the egg the proteins of the egg change permanently.

2.1.1. 5. I got bored of making food so I went to watch television. The T.V remote was dead though, so I had to get new batteries. The batteries turned chemical energy into electrical energy.

3. Dzou Yen was able to turn metal into gold. The alchemy that he did allowed the elements to live outside of their natural boundaries.

3.1. Because of that Alchemist, we are able to use the same practices he does.

3.2. In class we learned that you are able to take away protons. i.e) Gold can be created if you have a substance such as Lead and you take away 3 protons.

4. Sometimes there are certain chemical reactions that are very dangerous. Some may cause irritation to the skin or even worse.

4.1. Because of this we were taught something called WHMIS or MSDS so we know how old a substance is, and so we know if it will harm the person using it.

5. 6. I decide to go have a shower and use a shower gel in a metal can. I've noticed that every time I lift the can there are rust rings left on my shower ledge. The metal gained oxygen and became oxide.

6. In class we found that we are able to turn something like silver into gold. From the beginning, 4th Century BC actually, an Alchemist wanted to make the purest kind of gold, just like every other alchemist.

6.1. Some people thought that if there was a right amount of mercury and sulfur things like lead could be turned into gold. Because that was hard to do people also thought that the Philosopher's Stone would make turning things to gold much easier.

6.1.1. However, the Philosopher's Stone could never be found.

7. Sometimes it may be difficult to tell if a physical or chemical change has occurred, people usually use chemical changes to define a physical change.

7.1. For example ice melting may be considered a chemical change if people think that ice is a completely different substance than liquid water.