2. How to Support Degree Completion for Community College Students
by Kattina Famoso
1. Initiatives Addressing Community Colleges Shortfalls (a few examples)
1.1. Federal level
1.1.1. Trade Adjustment Assistance for Community College & Career Training Grant Program
1.1.2. Occupation and Academic Certificate Integration
1.1.3. Community College Summit 2010
1.2. State level
1.2.1. Arizona Project H.O.P.E. Academic preparation via AGEC & associates Enroll earlier Degree completion at associates and bachelor's level Supported by online websites in order to provide accessible information
1.2.2. Scholarly Summit & Library Seminars
1.3. Private foundations
1.3.1. Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence
1.3.2. Skills for America in the Future
1.4. Non-Profit organizations
1.4.1. Achieving the Dream