Indefinite Articles A/ An

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Indefinite Articles A/ An by Mind Map: Indefinite Articles A/ An

1. "A" is used when the next word begins with a consonant sound

1.1. A cat

1.2. A doll

1.3. A computter

1.4. A bear

1.5. A monkey

1.6. A bird

1.7. A book

2. Exceptions

2.1. We use "a" before the next word begins with "u" or "eu" when they sound like 'you'

2.1.1. A unicorn

2.1.2. A university

2.1.3. A European

2.1.4. A uniform

2.1.5. A euro

3. El artículo indefinido en inglés "a", "an" (un, una, unos, unas)

4. "An" is used when the next word begins with a vowel sound.

4.1. An apple

4.2. An orange

4.3. An egg

4.4. An ice cream

4.5. An umbrella

5. Exceptions

5.1. We use "an" before a slient or unsounded "h."

5.1.1. An hour

5.1.2. An honest error

5.1.3. An honorable peace