Developing Your Speech

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Developing Your Speech by Mind Map: Developing Your Speech

1. Select and Narrow Your Topic

1.1. Guidelines for Selecting a Topic

1.1.1. Consider the Audience

1.1.2. Consider the Occasion

1.1.3. Consider yourself

1.2. Narrowing Your Topic

1.3. Strategies for Selecting a Topic

1.3.1. Brainstorming

1.3.2. Listening and Reading for Topic Ideas

1.3.3. Scanning Web Directories

2. Generate and Preview Your Main Ideas

2.1. Generating Your Main Ideas

2.1.1. Ending Logical Divisions

2.1.2. Establishing Reasons

2.1.3. Tracing Specific Steps

2.2. Previewing Your Main Ideas

2.2.1. Blueprint

3. Determine Your Purpose

3.1. General Purpose

3.1.1. Speaking to Inform

3.1.2. Speaking to Persuade

3.1.3. Speaking to Entertain

3.2. Specific Purpose

3.2.1. Identify a Behavioral Objective

3.2.2. Characteristics of a Specific Purpose

3.2.3. Using the Specific Purpose

4. Develop Your Central Idea

4.1. A Complete Declarative Sentence

4.2. Direct, Specific Language

4.3. A Single Idea

4.4. An Audience-Centered Idea