Social Constructivism

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Social Constructivism by Mind Map: Social Constructivism

1. Authentic

1.1. Relevant, not just word problems, but solving real life problems using critical and creative thinking.

2. Co-operative

2.1. Knowledge is constructed through interaction and collaboration with others

2.2. Social, helping and teaching each other

2.3. Building on each other's ideas

3. Intentional

3.1. Well planned learning experiences.

3.2. Creating a desire for students to want to investigate solutions and work together.

4. Active

4.1. Students take ownership of learning, they don't expect the teacher to "spoon feed" them the answers.

4.2. Lev Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development. If an activity is too easy, students aren't learning. If it is too difficult they won't learn. Work needs to be challenging enough that students can link new ideas to existing knowledge in order to create new knowledge.

5. Constructive

5.1. Rather than being told information by the teacher and remembering it, learning occurs when students investigate, research, use hands on experiences and interact with the learning material.