Snow White and the seven dwarfs (UCHRONIA)

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Snow White and the seven dwarfs (UCHRONIA) by Mind Map: Snow White and the seven dwarfs (UCHRONIA)

1. Events

1.1. Snow white's mother dies

1.2. His father marries beautiful but cruel woman

1.3. The wicked stepmother wants to be the most beautiful lady in the kingdom and decides to kill snow white

1.4. She asks archer to kill snow white but he doesn't kill

1.5. Snow white comes to New York and meets rich seven dwarfs

1.6. Snow white becomes the richest girl in the world.

1.7. Snow white destroys the palace of her step mother and kills her

2. Time

2.1. 2018

3. moral values

3.1. goodness always wins and money solves everything.

4. Main characters

4.1. The wicked step mother

4.2. Snow white

4.3. The rich seven dwarfs

5. Places

5.1. skyscraper

5.2. forest

5.3. palace