Problem Statement: Ms. Trevino is teaching a health lesson on Dental Hygiene. Ms. Trevino notices that students have a difficult time understanding the process needed to maintaining healthy teeth and the importance of taking care of their teeth. How can Ms. Trevino emphasize the importance of Dental Hygiene using a beaded bracelet activity to enhance learning?
by Rosalva Trevino
1. Decomposition: First, Ms. Trevino needs to break down dental information into smaller areas. Ms. Trevino wants to use a bracelet activity to teach students hygiene steps and relevance to their 20 baby teeth. Ms. Trevino researches tooth information and procedures needed for proper teeth brushing and cleaning at home.
2. Pattern Recognition: As Ms. Trevino, studies Dental Hygiene, she notices patterns in dentist recommendations in proper brushing, flossing, and dental visits. Proper care of baby teeth is important in the early years of a student's life because it prevents future dental problems. A pattern of amount of baby teeth exists in humans being that we all have 20 baby teeth and later grow a set of 32 adult teeth. Also a pattern exists in proper dental care, which includes brushing, flossing and annual checkups.
3. Decomposition
3.1. Brush twice daily
3.2. Circular Motion
3.3. Flossing
3.4. Visit Dentist Twice a Year
3.5. Baby Teeth Count: 20
3.6. Bracelet and beads Purchase
4. Pattern Recognition
4.1. Proper Care: Brushing, Flossing, Checkups
4.2. Baby Teeth Count: 20
4.3. Adult Teeth Count: 32
4.4. Baby Teeth: 8 Incisors, 4 Canine, 8 Molar & Adult Teeth: 8 Incisors, 4 Canine, 8 Biscupids, 8 Molar, 4 Wisdom
5. References: Google for Education. (2012, June 22). Solving problems at Google using computational thinking. Retrieved from Wolfram, S. (2016, September 7). How to teach computational thinking. Wired. Retrived from How to Teach Computational Thinking Yadav, A., Hong, H. & Stephenson, C. (2016). Computational thinking for all: Pedagogical approaches to embedding 21st century problem solving in K-12 classrooms. TechTrends, 60(6), 565-568.
6. Rationale: Computational Thinking holds the key to the future of many professions including doctors (Wolfram, 2016). It is important for teachers to incorporate health lessons within their curriculum in order to provide students with background knowledge and vocabulary that they will need later on in their future careers. Students need to feel that the information provided is relevant to their lives and their well being as well as informative. While having a routine for brushing their teeth is something done at home, the information provided can service as a guide to their future behaviors.
7. Rationale: According to Google for Education (2012), patterns allow us to see the similarities and differences that exist in any given situation. Patterns are evident in dental health in regards to procedures that dentist recommend and in regards to number of baby teeth and adult teeth. These patterns can be taught to students in order for them to fully get a grasp of the importance of oral health and healthy teeth. This will in turn allow students to understand that prevention is key to maintaining good dental hygiene.
8. Baby Teeth Pattern: (Procedure and Amount of Teeth) B2CFD2-----IIIIIIIICCCCMMMMMMMM Adult Teeth Pattern: (Procedure and Amount of Teeth) B2CFD2-----IIIIIIIICCCCBBBBBBBBMMMMMMMMWWWW
9. Algorithms: Ms. Trevino writes a pattern (algorithm) to be used on a bracelet activity to help students develop an understanding of the steps to proper hygiene and relevance to their teeth. Ms. Trevino purchases the string and alphabet/numbered beads to develop the concept of the bracelet. She purchases the following patterns of beads as it relates to understanding of hygiene procedures and amount of teeth. (B=Brushing, 2-Twice, C=Circular Motion, F=Floss, D-Dentist, 2-Twice) (I-Incisors, C-Canines, M-Molars, B-Bicuspids, M-Molars, W-Wisdom Teeth )
10. Abstraction: Ms. Trevino realizes that it is possible to have an understanding of proper hygiene and teach it to the students with the application of the bracelet activity. Ms. Trevino finds out that she can create different types of bracelets to help students achieve comprehension of procedures in Children's Dental Hygiene and create a different bracelet for Adult Dental Hygiene. Ms. Trevino also realizes that students can create smaller bracelets to incorporate in learning about different routines found in health.
11. Abstraction
11.1. Student Bracelet
11.2. Teacher Bracelet
11.3. Health Routines
12. Rationale: Abstraction involves the construction of a generalization that can be applied to different problems with the same concept (Yadav, A., Hong, H. & Stephenson, C. ,2016). Abstractions are made on a daily basis as corporations seek solutions to common problems and incorporate them into a common concept. Students need to be made aware of the creative factor that exists in the formation of generalizations that can allow for different solutions to be found within a single problem. In this lesson, the creation of a bracelet to target student understanding of the procedures of proper hygiene can extend to adult lesson on proper hygiene. Teachers can explain the difference between baby teeth and adult teeth which can lead to an overall understanding of changes that can be applied within the same concept.
13. Rationale: Algorithms are sequence of steps to solve problems (Yadav, A. Hong, H & Stephenson, C. , 2016). They are essential in providing a structure to the solving of problems. In this example, provided by Ms. Trevino, the use of a bracelet with an algorithm using a series of letters and numbers that represent ideas and vocabulary, allows the students to be able to grasp the concepts in an concrete as well as abstract manner. It is important to note that this algorithm will only make sense to students, with the repetition and proper vocabulary being taught. As students develop these algorithms by manipulating beads into the formation of a bracelet, they can develop different patterns of thought for a variety of other health routines through the following step which will abstraction.
14. Algorithm