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1. call my brother once every hour (he would hate me)

1.1. FaceTime my mom while walking to class?? in front of my professor?

1.1.1. only send texts with the voice memo thingy and see how accurate they are

2. make my room super messy (this is so hard for me)

2.1. wear all one color from head to toe: rule, it must be obnoxiously bright

2.1.1. wear my sunglasses and hat into each place I go

3. try doing math in my head

3.1. say all of my thoughts out loud

3.1.1. shake hands with my left hand

4. eat only foods that are red or green-- even spinach

4.1. don't have any full meals, only snack!

4.1.1. only drink orange juice-- fill it in water bottle

5. Wear business clothes all day

5.1. in between each class in farmer, play the piano for the full duration of the break

5.1.1. walk into the calculus class I dropped first semester and sit in my old seat-- must be same professor

6. eat with random stranger for all meals

6.1. ask random person to hangout

6.1.1. workout downstairs at the rec where all of the boys are play ping pong and make dinner in the basement with the foreign exchange students

7. sleep on the opposite side of my bed

7.1. do everything opposite

7.1.1. brush teeth with left hand be left handed!!! write, type, and eat with it, put makeup on with it

8. Listen to rap music

8.1. watch only music videos when I want to listen to music

8.1.1. only talk in a "rapping" style only speak in rhymes

9. don't smile to anyone I pass

9.1. smile at everyone i pass

9.1.1. Yell at people from across the street and see how they react

10. dance outside of a heavy foot traffic area

10.1. sing super loudly any time I go into a bathroom

10.1.1. walk backwards for a whole day!

11. go without phone for a day

11.1. don't respond to any texts with a text, MUST call back

11.1.1. only answer texts as emoji's

12. do all homework outside

12.1. don't use planner FOR FULL DAY (my nightmare)

12.1.1. do everything I would do during the day at night: homework, eating meals, showering, doing laundry, going to gym

13. don't set any alarms

13.1. make my roommate walk me to all of my classes and announce my arrival

13.1.1. walk in late to all of my classes and be stared at by everyone