by Holli Mart
1. Creativity and Innovation
1.1. apply existing knowledge
1.2. create original work
1.3. use models and simulations
2. Communication and Collaboration
2.1. interact, collaborate and publish
2.2. communicate information and ideas
2.3. contribute to projects
3. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
3.1. identify and define authentic problemsand significant question for investigation
3.2. plan and manage activities
3.3. collect and analyze data
3.4. use multiple processes and diverse perspectives
4. Technology Operations and Concepts
4.1. understand and use technology sytems
4.2. selct and use applications effectively and productively
4.3. troubleshoot systems and applications
5. Research and Information Fluency
5.1. plan strategies
5.2. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information
5.3. evaluate an select information sources and digital tools
6. Digital Citizenship
6.1. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology
6.2. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology
6.3. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning
6.4. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship