Heart of Lebanon

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Heart of Lebanon by Mind Map: Heart of Lebanon

1. Placemaking

1.1. Partnerships With Statewide

1.1.1. Indiana Humanities

1.1.2. OCRA - Indiana Mainstreet

1.1.3. Placemaking Indiana

1.1.4. TechPoint

1.1.5. Indiana Arts Council

1.2. Partnerships With Local

1.2.1. Economic Development

1.2.2. Local Gov't Mayor Parks Planning Historic Preservation

1.2.3. Arts Endowment (CFBC)

2. Why Placemaking

2.1. Talent Attraction

2.2. Business Attraction

2.3. Inspires a Sense of Community/Belonging

3. What is Placemaking

3.1. looking at, listening to, and asking questions of the people who live, work and play in a particular space, to discover needs and aspirations. This information is then used to create a common vision for that place.

4. The Impact on Community Development

4.1. Increased Sense of Community

4.2. Increased Engagement in Community

4.3. Talent Attraction & Retention

4.4. Increased Entrepreneurship & Small Business Development

4.5. Overall Wellness of the Community Increases

5. HOL Initiatives

5.1. Community Garden

5.2. Express Parking Pilot Program

6. HOL Events

6.1. Lebanon City Market

6.2. Mel Kenyon Classic

6.3. Augtoberfest

6.4. Mischief on Meridian

6.5. Small Business Saturday

6.6. Christmas on the Square

7. HOL Makeup

7.1. 501(c)(3) Public Nonprofit (2016)

7.2. 6 Board Members, No Paid Staff

7.3. 40-60 Event Volunteers

8. Funding

8.1. Public/Semi-Public

8.1.1. Lebanon ReDevelopment Commission

8.1.2. Boone County Convention & Visitors Bureau

8.2. Sponsorship

8.2.1. Festool USA

8.3. Granting

8.3.1. Witham Health Services

9. Why Lebanon's ReDevelopment Commission Should Want Continued Investment in the HOL...

9.1. Large dollar amounts being invested into Lebanon's square will result in a beautiful downtown...who is actively engaging in bringing visitors into it?

9.2. During the revitalization of the square, no other messaging has been crafted by the local participants to communicate IN and OUTside the city that we are open.

9.3. When we attract visitors, they spend money and businesses stay open.

9.4. Events & Initiatives of the HOL directly relate to the quality of life which is an economic driver for the community.