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Assessments by Mind Map: Assessments

1. Performance

1.1. Definition: Assessment activity that requires students to generate products or performances that provide direct or indirect evidence of the student's knowledge, skills, and abilitie

1.2. Example: Performances

1.3. Example: Demonstrations

2. Diagnostic

2.1. Definition: Pre-assessment to help guide instruction for teachers and allows teachers to find schema and misconceptions before starting the lesson

2.2. Example: Kahoot Quiz

2.3. Example: Quick Write

3. Assessments are the data that teachers collect to measure the effectiveness of lessons and to measure if a specific standard was mastered.

4. Social Studies HOT ?'s

4.1. Opening: What do you know about our community? Do you know who the people who help us in our community are called?

4.2. Guiding: What is an example of a community helper? What do you think it would be like to be a firefighter?

4.3. Closing: What would our community be like without community helpers? Which community helper do you think is the most important and why?

5. Formative

5.1. Definition: Process of gathering evidence of student learning

5.2. Example: Quiz

5.3. Example: Exit Ticket

6. Interim/Benchmark

6.1. Definition: Interim and benchmark assessments are used to identify student achievement, find where students are in the learning progress, and see if students are on track

6.2. Example: MAPS testing

6.3. Example: 6 Weeks Assessments

7. Summative

7.1. Definition: Process to evaluate student learning

7.2. Example: Final Exam

7.3. Example: Final Project

8. Resources: Formative vs Summative Assessment - Eberly Center - Carnegie Mellon University