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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Interim/Benchmark

1.1. An assessment that evaluates students on a periodic basis, normally at the end of the grading period.

1.1.1. District Assessment

1.1.2. STARR/State Testing

2. Performance

2.1. An assessment that measures base on a students ability to apply the skills and knowledge from instruction.

2.1.1. Creating skits to describe content.

2.1.2. Group Projects

3. Diagnostics

3.1. Assessment that identifies student strength weaknesses, knowledge and skills prior to instruction.

3.1.1. Bell Ringers

3.1.2. Pre-Assessments

4. Formative

4.1. The assessment of a student's performance during instruction.

4.1.1. Group Station Work

4.1.2. Peardeck

5. Summative

5.1. An assessment that measures the students knowledge and skills at the end of instruction.

5.1.1. Post-Assessment

5.1.2. Kahoot!

6. H.O.T. Questions

6.1. Opening Question

6.1.1. How would you identify?

6.1.2. Describe what happens when __________?

6.2. Guiding Question

6.2.1. When and why should we estimate?

6.2.2. What do good problem solvers do, especially when they get stuck?

6.3. Closing Question

6.3.1. Explain the process of finding the volume of a sphere.

6.3.2. Describe where you can use Pythagorean Theorem in the real world.