Reablement approach and values.“Reablement has been defined as ‘services for people with poor phy...

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Reablement approach and values.“Reablement has been defined as ‘services for people with poor physical or mental health to help them accommodate their illness by learning or re-learning the skills necessary for daily living”. by Mind Map: Reablement approach and values.“Reablement has been defined as ‘services for people with poor physical or mental health to help them accommodate their illness by learning or re-learning the skills necessary for daily living”.

1. 1)Empowerment.The first principle is empowerment, in health and social care empowerment means to be patient with the service user, and listen to their choices rather than taking in control. Letting the service user make their own decision would be better rather than controlling their life or the outcome on the decision. Empowerment is giving people the ability to make their own decision also for others to support their decision with respect. In health and social care empowerment is very important to give to a service user as it makes them feel comfortable and in control of their self. Empowerment would link to the case study as, giving Nellie the empowerment to do things for herself, is very important. As it will make her feel better about herself and still feel in control of her life and not feel like she has to always listen to others around her.

2. 8)Anti-discriminatory practice.Anti-discriminating practice is when you discriminate someone for their gender, disability, age, ethnic origin or skin colour. Anti discrimination prejudice is not understanding other people or leaving them out because they are different such as what they believe in look like.

3. 9)Working in Partnership using a multi-disciplinary approach. Working in partnership is very important in health and social care as it allowed you to get other peoples viewpoints and ideas and achieve a better outcome. Multidisciplinary approach is when you get other people involved in the idea and the service user to achieve the best quality of care for a patient.

4. 10)Confidentiality. Confidentiality means to keep information between the service user and practitioner. This is important as it’s a part of a good health program. However confidentiality has to be broken sometimes depending on the situation. If a service user is going to harm their self and will not tell anyone the confidentiality barrier has to be broken and told to people that are taking care of them so that they can be safe.

5. 11)Fulfilling responsibilities.Fulfilling responsibilities are very important when working in the care industry as you have a lot of pressure when taking care of someone who is in need of your help. For filling responsibility is a job to satisfy other persons need in the environment. Fulfilling responsibility it is very important when you are taking care of a service user.

6. 12)A holistic approach. A holistic approach or having a holistic view means to be interested in engaging and developing a person as a whole. A way of thinking holistic approach is by having different level such as physical emotional mental or spiritual. It states that the human being is multidimensional and having conscious and unconscious aspect also rational and irrational as aspects when thinking.

7. 13)Privacy refers to freedom from intrusion and relates to all information and practice that is personal or sensitive in nature to an indivi

8. 14)Dignity is being worthy of respect.

9. 2)Promotion of choice.Promotion of choices is the second principle which will be discussed. Promoting choices to a service user when helping them on a daily bases or in need. Promotion of choices usually occur when looking after a service user at the home or a day centre. Most elderly people like living at home but need help with certain things like washing up, cleaning rooms and laundry. Promotion of choice means to help someone whistled keeping their dignity.

10. 3)Promotions of rights are key factors when working in health and social care. There are four key for those related to quality and diversity which should be followed when working in care jobs. The four main factors that quality human rights mental capacity and care

11. 4)Recognition of preferences.Recognition of preferences works a long side promotion of choices Recognition of preferences is when a service user wants a certain thing as they feel more comfortable using it. Preferences are things that we enjoy or we like having around us. In health and social care or care jobs we like, to give people preferences on what they would rather like to do rather than forcing things upon them.

12. 5)Involving individuals in planning their support.Involving individual when planning the support means to involve the service user when you are making a support plan for them. Rather than picking things that you think they would like its best to involve people so that you get exact answers from what people would prefer rather than carers guessing. By involving people in their support plans allows them to have an opinion on what is been planned for them

13. 6)Respecting religious and moral beliefs and personal values.

14. 7)Respect for culture.In the world there are a lot of culture and culture diversity right now. It’s very important to respect everyone’s culture rather than leaving people out. By respecting other people’s culture it makes you more open-minded person also more approachable, by other people with different cultures. It also brings people together from different cultures and able to understand and make relationships better.