Advancements in Healthcare Technology

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Advancements in Healthcare Technology by Mind Map: Advancements in Healthcare Technology

1. Telemedicine

1.1. Encourages patients to count calories & monitor medications

1.2. Improves rural healthcare

1.3. Provides alarms for clinicians, offering a "second set of eyes"

2. Portal Technology

2.1. Allows patients to review test results

2.2. Saves paper by providing patient education

2.3. Refilling medication prescriptions

3. Self-service kiosks

3.1. Book appointments

3.2. Complete insurance forms & other patient paperwork

4. Wireless communication

4.1. Vocera is communication software can be run off several different operating systems

4.1.1. Blood pressure kiosks in stores

4.2. helps manage staff load

4.3. Tracks Medical Equipment

5. EHRs

5.1. McKession

5.2. eClinical Works

5.3. Cerner

5.4. All Scripts

5.5. Epic

6. mHealth

6.1. Remote health technologies

6.2. mobile self care

6.3. Apps: MyFitnessPal, Instant Heart Rate, Glucose Buddy

7. Remote monitoring tools

7.1. Glucometers

7.2. Blood pressure monitors

7.3. Pacemakers

7.4. Seizure activity monitors