Role of A Teacher

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Role of A Teacher by Mind Map: Role of A Teacher

1. School

1.1. Help in the development of school policies, plans, and programs

1.2. Instrument the priorities of the Department and the school

1.3. Know the school's student welfare and discipline policies

1.4. Maintain student safety

2. Personal

2.1. Undertake appropriate ongoing professional development

2.2. Comply with legislative and industrial requirements and the Department's Code of Conduct, policies and procedures

2.3. Be familiar with the provisions of legislation relevant to your official responsibilities

2.4. Comply with reasonable directions given by a supervisor/principal and adhere to the official guidelines concerning the performance of your duties

2.5. Perform your duties efficiently and effectively and with honesty, integrity and fairness at all times

2.6. Use information gained in the course of employment only for proper and appropriate purpose

2.7. Understand how students learn

3. Classroom

3.1. Devise and document teaching and learning programs

3.2. Develop classroom routines

3.3. Develop a good behaviour management style

3.4. Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities

3.5. Establish challenging learning goals

3.6. Support student participation

3.7. Manage challenging behaviour

3.8. Manage classroom activities

4. Community

4.1. Demonstrate the highest standards of professional behaviour

4.2. Be conscious of the need for equitable treatment of all students

4.3. Effectively manage and implement programs for child protection and student welfare

4.4. Use public resources economically

4.5. Engage parents/carers in the educative process

5. Faculty (TAS)

5.1. Evaluate and improve teaching programs

5.2. Engage with colleagues and improve practice

5.3. Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities

5.4. Implement Department and school guidelines