The European Union

The 27 Current Members and 4 prospective members

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The European Union by Mind Map: The European Union

1. First Enlargement - 1973

1.1. Ireland

1.2. U.K.

1.3. Denmark

2. Candidate Countries

2.1. Croatia

2.2. Macedonia

2.3. Turkey

2.4. Iceland

3. Original Members - 1953

3.1. Belgium

3.2. Holland

3.3. Luxembourg

3.4. France

3.5. Italy

3.6. West Germany

4. Other Member States

4.1. Austria

4.2. Bulgaria

4.3. Cyprus

4.4. Czech Rep

4.5. Estonia

4.6. Finland

4.7. Greece

4.8. Hungary

4.9. Latvia

4.10. Lithuania

4.11. Malta

4.12. Poland

4.13. Portugal

4.14. Romania

4.15. Slovakia

4.16. Slovenia

4.17. Spain

4.18. Sweden