Teaching 2.0
by Kevin Calderin
1. Social Networking
1.1. Twitter
1.2. Edmodo
1.3. Tumblr
1.4. Facebook
1.5. LinkedIn
1.6. Ning
1.7. Shelfari
1.8. SecondLife
2. Help
2.1. Use toolbar to add ideas
2.2. Key shortcuts
2.2.1. INS to insert (Windows)
2.2.2. TAB to insert (Mac OS)
2.2.3. ENTER to add siblings
2.2.4. DEL to delete
2.2.5. All key shortcuts
2.3. Drag & Drop and double-click canvas
2.4. Find out more?
2.4.1. Online Help
2.4.2. Use Cases & Templates Personal Todo List Vacation Planning Meeting Minutes Project Plan more...
2.4.3. Tools and Gadgets Offline Mode Geistesblitz Tools Email & SMS Gateways Compare Editions
3. Social Production Resources
3.1. Mindmeister
3.2. Prezi
3.3. Second Life
3.4. Delicious
3.5. Xtranormal
3.6. Youtube
3.7. Vimeo
3.8. Glogster
3.9. SchoolTube
3.10. Pixton Comics
3.11. VoiceThread
4. Our Course Prezi
5. Technology Related PD
5.1. Curriculum 21
6. What should I be able to do?
6.1. Navigate the Web Fluently
6.2. Create and Upload Media (Images and Video)
6.3. Maintain Organized Social Connections
6.4. Blog and Microblog
6.5. Use Online Course Management
6.6. Play Video Games
7. Edmodo
7.1. 20 Ways to Use Edmodo
7.2. Edmodo Matrix
8. What Teaching 2.0 Means to Us
8.1. Should Teachers and Students be Facebook Friends?
8.2. 7 Reasons to Leverage Social Networking Tools in the Classroom
8.3. 100 Inspriring Ways to Use Social Media in the Classroom
8.4. Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum
8.5. Better Learning Through Technology
8.6. Top Web Tools for Enhancing Collaboration
8.7. The 7 Golden Rules of Using Technology in Schools
8.8. Cliff Stoop on Facebook