Fluffy's Dog House- $720

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Fluffy's Dog House- $720 by Mind Map: Fluffy's Dog House- $720

1. Client Contact (Jaye-7)- $140

1.1. Client contacts us to build dog house

1.2. Reach back out to client (Jaye-1)- $20

1.2.1. Set up meeting with client (Jaye-1)

1.3. Discuss timeline, payment, and budget with client (Jaye-6)- $120

1.3.1. Set a timeline for when client wants work to start and end (Sally-1)

1.3.2. Discuss payment terms: how much materials, labor, and tools will cost (Jaye-3)

1.3.3. Discuss how much the client is willing to spend on Fluffy's dog house (Sally-2)

2. Prepare to Build (Jaye-3)- $60

2.1. Meet with client in their yard (Jaye-2)- $40

2.1.1. Meet client at their house on desired start date (Jaye-2)

2.2. Find desired location for the dog house in the client's yard (Jaye-1)- $20

2.2.1. Have client show me their desired location in their yard where they want Fluffy's dog house to be (Jaye-1)

3. Design (Sally-5)- $100

3.1. Design the dog house to customer approval (Sally-4)- $80

3.1.1. Sketch design to clients idea (Sally-2)

3.1.2. Have customer approve sketch design (Sally-2)

3.2. Get correct measurements for the size of the dog house (Jaye-1)- $20

3.2.1. Measure desired spot in the yard to how big the client wants the dog house to be (Jaye-1)

4. Materials (Jaye-5)-$160

4.1. Go to lumber store to purchase building materials: wood, nails, and paint (Jaye-3)- $60

4.2. Go to hardware store to purchase tools: drill, tape measure, saw, screws, and paint (Jaye-2)- $40

4.3. Delivery all materials to desired destination (Jaye-3)- $60

5. Dog House (Jaye-10)- $200

5.1. Begin building dog house (Jaye-1)- $20

5.1.1. Bring wood from truck to clients backyard to begin measuring (Jaye-1)

5.2. Measure woof to desired measurements (Jaye-3)- $60

5.2.1. Measure the wood to the measurements previously taken (Sally-2)

5.2.2. Cut wood to the desired measurements (Jaye-1)

5.3. Drill/Screw wood together to put dog house together (Jaye-2)- $40

5.4. Paint dog house (Jaye-4)- $80

5.4.1. Sand down the wood (Jaye-2)

5.4.2. Prime wood with paint primer (Sally-1)

5.4.3. Paint wood to clients desired color (Sally-1)

6. Client Evaluation (Jaye-1)- $20

6.1. Gain client approval for dog house (Jaye-1)- $20

6.1.1. Show finished dog house to client to gain customer satisfaction (Jaye-1)

7. Invoice (Sally-2)- $40

7.1. Invoice customer payment for building dog house (Sally-1)- $20

7.2. Receive payment from client (Sally- 1)- $20