COD Review

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COD Review by Mind Map: COD Review

1. Facts and opinions

1.1. Video game COD is essential in learning the guns used and how hard it was in war.

1.2. COD also has the made up part like zombies, but it helps young people or older people get strength to fight, to stay alive.

1.3. COD can in many ways be different. But I think I say this for everyone, it still is a good game.

2. New Ideas

2.1. Idea 1

2.2. There could be some new weapons added to the game.

2.3. Idea 2

2.4. There would be a lot more likes in the game if it could be like GTA. And we are able to run around and do our on think and not have to follow what the game wants us to do.


3.1. Yes agree

3.2. No disagree

4. Development

4.1. Preduce the new game

4.2. Keep it the same