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Caroline's mind map by Mind Map: Caroline's mind map


1.1. what kind of teahing would you teach the students?

1.2. what kind of culture would you teach the student's?

1.3. did you finish your grade 12?

1.4. Where did you finish your grade 12?

1.5. did you recieve any honors

1.6. do you plan on finishing the three year course that is being given?

1.7. what have you learned so far in these courses that are given?

1.8. what do you like so far in the courses that are given?

1.9. what have you learned so far in the computer course?

1.10. what have you accomplished in these courses?

2. My Children

2.1. Eva Harriet Nancy Brass

2.2. Destiny Marie Shootingstar Brass

2.3. Ariah Loretta Doreen Brass

2.4. Latoya Ida Autumn-sky Chartrand

2.5. Passed away Christopher Yellowhawk Thunder Brass Aug, 21, 2001

3. Brothers from another mother

3.1. Frank Gott

3.2. Wallace Cook

3.3. Sam Gott

3.4. Stan Cook

3.5. Rudy Kematch

3.6. Conrad Kematch

3.7. Lance Kematch

3.8. And many more

4. Family Tree

4.1. John Chartrand

4.1.1. Sandra Stevens

4.1.2. Sonya Stevens

4.1.3. Roxanne Stevens

4.1.4. Curtis Stevens

4.1.5. Adam Stevens

4.1.6. Rylee Stevens

4.2. Pearly Chartrand

4.2.1. Wallace Chartrand

4.2.2. Billy Joe Chartrand

4.2.3. Paradise Chartrand

4.3. Lily Chartrand

4.3.1. Deanna Chartrand

4.4. Denise Chatrand

4.4.1. Diontae Chartrand

4.5. Caroline Cook

4.5.1. Albina Cook

4.5.2. Clara Cook

4.5.3. Maria Audy

4.5.4. Micheal Chartrand

4.5.5. Vitaline Sinclair

4.5.6. Ida Stevens

4.6. New node


5.1. downloaded web sites and call recorders like fire fox, skype call recorder, adaucity.

5.2. made web acounts on google, gmail, skype, twitter, and other web pages.

5.3. made a mind meister map.

5.4. did interviews with students.

5.5. made three recordings on adaucity one letter when sixteen, my angel and my brother.

5.6. down loaded my files on my wikispace page.

5.7. down loaded three screen shots on google.

5.8. took pictures of my google pages and added them to my wikispace page.

6. friend and Family

6.1. Mike Campeau,Rosie Mason and Christopher

6.2. Flora Campeau

6.3. Gus and Brandy Chartrand

6.4. Micheal and Melissa Chartrand

6.5. Derreck Campeau

6.6. Jackie Greeley

7. Family Members

7.1. Mother: Vitaline Sinclair

7.2. Dad: John Genaille

7.3. Sister's: Denise Chartrand and Lily Chartrand

7.4. Brother's: Pearly Chartrand and John Chartrand

8. Email address

8.1. [email protected]

8.2. [email protected]

9. Website

9.1. gmail




10. phone number

10.1. no phone number

10.2. sister 587 - 2552 message

11. Grandparents

11.1. Adam Cook

11.2. Caroline Cook