Information System - ERP

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Information System - ERP by Mind Map: Information System  - ERP

1. JIT (Just In Time)

2. Inventory

2.1. Manufacturing

2.1.1. MRP

2.1.2. ERP Customization Social Internet Free Aplication

2.1.3. CRM CSRP

2.1.4. SCM

2.2. Planning

2.2.1. Supply Chain

2.2.2. Project Management

2.2.3. Production Planning

2.2.4. Sales & Distribution

2.2.5. Quality Management

2.2.6. Manufacturing

2.2.7. Material Management

2.3. Operations

2.4. Scheduling

2.5. Planning

3. Master Production schedule

4. Material Requirements Planing

5. Human Resources

5.1. Recruiting

5.2. Compensation

5.3. Assessment

5.4. Development and Training

5.5. Planning

6. Solution

6.1. Integration

6.2. Consolidation

6.3. Right-Sizing

6.4. Business Process Redesign

6.5. Enterprise Wide System

7. Financial

7.1. Reporting

7.2. Costing

7.3. Budgeting

7.4. Accounts Payable

7.5. Accounts Receivables

8. Service

9. Purchasing

10. Production

11. Sales & Marketing

11.1. Lead Tracking

11.2. Sales Forecasting

11.3. Customer Management

12. Operations Systems

12.1. Order Management

12.2. Inventory Management

12.3. Customer Service