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Learning Asessment by Mind Map: Learning Asessment

1. split half method- is when each item is assigned to one half or the other and the total score on each half detemines the correlation of the two scores.


2.1. provides stability of a test

2.1.1. New node

2.2. yields stable scores

2.3. does not measure change

3. internal consistency method- measures the extent to which items within the form of the test have in common with one another

4. content validity evidence- is a test that is established by inspecting test questions to see if the correspondences is covered by the test.


6. concurrent criterion validity- determines a test by administering both the new and the established test of a group at the same time.

7. predictive validity evidence- refers to how well the test predicts future behavior of the examinee and used for aptitude test.

8. criterion related validity eveidence- scores from a test that is correlated withan external criterion.

9. construct validity evidence- information that lets us know whether the results from the test correspond to what is expected based on our own knowledge.